Happy Chicken/Hapi Jiken
HCDI collaborates with the Fiji based Happy Chicken project, an economic empowerment project that uses a sustainable and eco-based approach to poultry farming. Developed by Corals for Conservation (CfC), the project focuses on using local resources for feed, teaching chicken care and management strategies, and promoting new breeding techniques to develop a more resilient and productive breed of fowl, all through providing training and training materials to local communities.
Following Cyclone Pam, HCDI and CfC delivered the first Vanuatu Hapi Jiken training to local communities on Tanna and Efate. CfC also delivered 2 incubators and HCDI provided start-up funds to model Hapi Jiken farms.
This was followed in 2017 by HCDI's design and delivery of a comprehensive 5 day Hapi Jiken train-the-trainer program, in collaboration with SPC, KfW, and the Vanuatu Livestock Department. The custom-designed curriculum includes the full HJ program on chicken care and breeding, along with materials on training methods and community development.
Focusing on empowerment of women, people with disabilities (PWD), and youth, HJ training seeks to build on existing local knowledge in 3 key areas:
Protection - secure housing for chickens using free local material
Health & Hygiene – local feed from their own gardens
Breeding & Incubation – easy techniques to develop strong, local breeds
With support from LDS Social Welfare Services, a number of long term HJ projects were rolled out - 4 on Santo and 13 on Efate, with a total of 180 participants. HJ community facilitators are selected from previous training groups and HCDI accompanies the local facilitator building capacity in the field, in the 3-day training programs and follow up visits. HCDI also supports a model HJ farm in Erangorango. In 2019 and 2021, we worked with the Pacific Leprosy Foundation (PLF) and the Vanuatu Society for People with Disability (VSPD) to provide training to PWD.
A key feature of HJ is community empowerment, the sharing of knowledge gained and long-term accompaniment, in which a local Hapi Jiken community facilitator works closely with the participants drawing on their existing local knowledge, reflecting, sharing and generating new knowledge as they learn and empower collectively.