Education and Training
Community Conference Participation:
HCDI is committed to offering and participating in education and training. HCDI members have participated in numerous training sessions, conferences and association meetings, including:
2022 IUCN Energy, Ecosystems. and Sustainable Energy Initiative workshop in Fiji
Transparency International’s anti-corruption conference
UN Women’s Conference on Eliminating Violence against Women
VANGO and VEPAC meetings
Istanbul 7 conference, Thailand (PIANGO sponsored attendance )
Numerous women's rights and dialogue sessions.
​​Academic and Scholarly Presentations:
HCDI actively participates in the academic discourse on social development. In 2015, HCDI presented “School blong yumi: A grassroots approach to community-based cultural education" at the 43rd Annual OCIES Conference: Strengthening Educational Relationships within Oceania and Beyond, University of the South Pacific Emalus Campus, Port Vila.
In 2018, HCDI collaborated with Oxfam in the Pacific and World Vision Vanuatu to present a forum at the World Bank Understanding Risk Finance conference, in Port Vila. The forum highlighted the risks of disaster insurance to developing countries, and presented viable community-based alternatives.
HCDI's Executive Director regularly offers presentations on development issues, women's rights, and conflict mediation and continues to write and publish on issues of ethics and organisations.
HCDI has also actively supported organizational and program development at the National University of Vanuatu, including the development of its 1st local program in Climate Resilience and Humanitarian Action.
Professional Skills Training:
HCDI has designed and implemented professional skills training programs for individuals, local schools, businesses, government, and NGOs. Grant writing has been a particular focus recently with workshops delivered for APTC, VCAN, and Australia Awards, and in 2023, a 3 day workshop on grant writing for NGOs, with support from the Spotlight Initiative and the Ministry of Justice.
Other areas of training include:
Presentation skills
Teaching effectiveness
Financial Literacy
Project-based Education
Strategic Planning
Grant Writing
Customer service
Conflict management